Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Could there be anything cooler than silk production? (May 20)

After visiting the Maison des Canuts I can definately say that the textile machines perfectly display the creativity and complexity of human mind. I was absolutely astounded by the process of the machine as well as the tasks the weaver has to perform in order to create beautiful designs. Also seeing the different applications of the weaving techniques was totally impressive. I really thought that the Lumière Institute was super awesome, and it was cool to walk through the evolution of film making. The Lumière Brothers were definitely some pretty incredible people.


  1. I agree that the Lumiere brothers were incredible! They have done so much work and progress in the technology of what we know today is cinema and much more!

  2. The machines were just incredible I concur, naturally. What is even more interesting to think about is we only saw one type and size of the machine. The simple tour today most likely didn't due justice to the sheer amount of thought and preparation that went into making a table cloth!

  3. I agree both places were very interesting and cool and thank god for the Lumiere brothers for helping movies be a thing today!

  4. I agree both places were very interesting and cool and thank god for the Lumiere brothers for helping movies be a thing today!

  5. The Lumiere Institute was pretty awesome. Seeing the kinetoscope personally was cool, but the Lumiere brothers' bringing it to see on a screen is so much better. Definitely prefer sitting and watching experience over standing and looking down.

  6. Doesn't it make you wonder what we could accomplish if we spent less time on Facebook and Netflix?!
