Saturday, May 30, 2015

Day 11ish: History of Medicine

The museum we visited included
A lot of information and exhibits about the history of medicine. It included a lot of different information and exhibits about the conditions the scientists and surgeons had to work under. One thing I read that I found to be most interesting was about a scientist who related the movement of muscles to simple machines and mechanisms. I thought this was a really cool way to connect our human body to nature in a mathematical sense!


  1. I agree it was a cool museum. Except i really found the back room with the toilets and the creepy skull the most interesting

  2. I agree it was a cool museum. Except i really found the back room with the toilets and the creepy skull the most interesting

  3. I really enjoyed the museum and the different parts in the basement where we saw the statutes of the feet. I thought it was interesting there were so many feet and it was for praying.

  4. I also agree that the basement was really cool, but almost all of it was interesting by seeing the advancement of medicine. It was a cool museum to visit and see all the artifacts.

  5. I loved the museum, but the basement the most, and how interactive they allowed us to be with the ancient artifacts.
